Thursday, June 02, 2005

Hello from Sunny Bulgaria

No, I did not fall off the face of the earth. I have simply been doing too much to keep near an internet cafe.

THe weather for the poast few days has been amazing (sunny, hot) and it put me in the mood to go swimming. THe water in the local river is still a bit too cold, however, so that will have to wait. On Monday my training group went on a hike into the mountains as a "team building" activity and we ended up stealing loads of fresh cherries from the trees up there. We ate until we could barely hike back home. Ivan, our trainer, climbed into one tree and threw branches down to me, and the others kept watch at the head of the trail for the owners of the trees.

Yesterday was Chuildren's Day, so there were local doings for that. The police general of Sofia came to town and autographed my language book. There were tons of games for the kids, and the whole town seemed to be under the age of 10.

Other than that, not much has been happening actually. We've been doing traini8ng, visiting Plovdiv, and so on.

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