Thursday, September 28, 2006

Take THAT Yambol Post Office

So my rage and frustration at the Yambol Post office has reached a head.

I recieved notice of a package last Wednesday at around 3 p.m. As you may already know, I have to go to Yambol between 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Mon, Wed or Fri to pick up boxes. Like most normal people, I work Mon and Fri during those hours, and since I teach, I can't take the at-least-3-hours out of my day to catch a bus to town, wait in line, and wait for a bus back. Luckily, my director gives me Wednesdays free, so I usually go then. But this doesn't do me a whole lot of good when I get the notice Wednesday afternoon.

So the next possible day is Friday, a national holiday...A POSTAL holiday. The next possible day is Monday, when , oh yes, Becca has to work. The next possible day is Wednesday, but this won't do as Becca has to be in Sofia for a big presentation at the Peace Corps anniversary event.

Today, this afternoon, I'm sick and tired. I've made it through school, but have no real energy for anything else. I am sitting, sipping tea and watching some DVDs when my phone rings. The ladies in the place where I go to get my small mail are calling and say I received a slip saying tomorrow is the last day I can pick up my box. They are frantic. I go and get the slip...Which is marked in bright red letters the hours of operation, as if the problem I have is that I can't read dates and times. As if I don't care about my package and had no intention to go and pick it up.

I bid you to also remember that these people have opened my boxes without me present, have made me open them in front of them, have harrased me about children's books, have threatened to confiscate my things, and (someone) stole a box of Girl Scout cookies from me.

The good news in all of this is my super counterpart has agreed to take the classes I'll miss tomorrow getting this box.

AND, I have another good friend in Sliven, who has agreed to let me borrow her name and address so I never have to deal with these people again.

So, if you wish to send me a package over 2 kilograms (so, anything bigger than a padded envelope), send it to:

Christin McConnell
ATTN: Rebecca Grudzina
P.O. Box 347
Central Post Office
Sliven 8800

Just let me know when you send it so we can be on the lookout. With this new plan, I won't have to go back to that hell on earth.