Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Cat Came Back

Well, she didn't so much "come back" as "I found her!"

I was sitting in my chair when I heard an unhappy meow from the ground 3 stories below my balcony. I decided it had to be Zaeka...

I grabbed a flashlight and a can of tuna and proceeded to lean in all of the open windows along the back of the basement dripping in tuna water. In the window directly below my downstairs neighbors, I heard a thumping in a pile of broken down boxes. I called her name, and heard the slighest meow.

After dripping some tuna water around the pile, I heard the creature working her way towards me...When she popped her head out I instantly knew it was her. It was Zaeka's adorable little head peeping out at me!

She was still pretty spooked, so I put the tuna in a place where she'd have to climb out a bit, then I literally grabbed her by the neck and manhandled her until I got her into the apartment. (Actually she recognized the door and immediately started bawling.)

When I put her down inside the door she meowed loudly at everything, as if saying hello to it after a long absence. Tail piqued, ears back, she slowly remembered the more comfortable, safe life she had lead with me.

For fear of a flea infenstation, I gave her a bath right after I fed her. That was where this photo was from. As you can tell, she was none to happy (and very cold afterwards), but now she's adjusting.

So, she's back. Yay.
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Anonymous said...

I'm glad you found your kitty, it would have been really sad to have lost her! Best of Luck ^_^

summer08 said...

She still is pretty! Nice picture! (Of course her Grandma would say so!)

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Zaeka! We all missed you.

El Kot said...

Yay! Cheers, Zaek! I knew (s)he would come back. We cats seldom get lost. ;)