Thursday, June 29, 2006

Becca vs The Wasp

What follows is a graphic account of my killing a wasp recently...And by recently, I mean ten minutes ago.

I walked into my kitchen and heard a loud buzzzzzzing. Lo and behold, next to the hole between my balcony-door frame and the out-of-doors, there buzzed one of the biggest wasps I've seen in a long time.

The cat began batting at it, and it grew madder and madder. To prevent the oncoming battle, I grabbed my nearest weapon, a broom, and smacked the damn thing. I smacked and smacked, until it was stunned enough to fall to the floor.

I then grabbed a more substantial weapon to finish the job -- my metal dustpan. I slammed the edge of the pan down on it's body, but missed and ended up chopping off the monster's stinger.

The damn thing kept buzzing, kept spinning on its side. I next aimed for the head. I held the edge of the pan on the neck part connecting the head to the body. I don't know if it was increased terror on the wasp's part, or the fact that the vibrations of his buzzing were reviberating off the metal, but the sound was of murder. The monster's buzzing became louder, more frantic, more stricken.

After a few moments, but what seemed and eternity, the head was cut free of the body. I felt certain my battle was over. But when I lifted the pan, the body continued to buzz and spin around and around. I aimed as best I could and jabbed the edge of the pan dead center on the tiny body. After three strikes, the body lay still.

I swept up the whole mess and disposed of it in the garbage can. Then i came to write this post.

Keep your eyes open for my post about my excursion to the Danube Plain with the kiddos...I swear, it's coming..........

1 comment:

summer08 said...

That is a disgusting story!! That must have been some wasp!!