Saturday, April 08, 2006

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned....

My friend Lucia (author of Identity Amnesia), tagged me to play her little confessions game. I will keep this PG-rated for the kiddies, but here'goes.

Name Seven Guilty Pleasures. I'm not talking necessarily about you eating ice cream once a month because it's "so good" but I'm talking about things that create the feeling of regret, creeping into your brain, or secret things that you may not tell anyone else about after or when you do them.

*I like chalga. There, I said it. I don't like all the stars, or all the songs, but the fact that I like any makes me feel like I have no soul. No taste. No brain or individual identity. But come on, "Az bih bila shtasliva do kraya...(I would be happy with you till the end)" has some poetry to it...

*I am secretly extremely lazy. I only ever do enough to look hardworking and diligent to the outside world. Otherwise, it is painfully easy for me to just do nothing.

*I have locked my cat in my closet on purpose...several times. But she was just being so darn annoying!

*I have literally wanted to slap certain students of mine. The important thing here is that I never have.

*I sometimes wear a pair of underwear for 2 days. Or more...It's turned inside out, of course.

*I didn't shave my legs from November until March. And when I finally did, it took three tanks of hot water over three days to complete it.

*I gave up 2 of my 3 Lenten "fasts." They were no watching of Friends, no eating pizza and no chatting online on Fridays. All but the Friends thing were lost...Inadvertantly, but nonetheless lost.

So, I'm not altogether sure who to tag now who hasn't been tagged already. So, if you like, make this little confession.


Anonymous said...

I can't think of seven (because I'm so practically perfect in every way--I even put the toilet seat down!), but I can cartainly relate to your secret laziness -- your mother and I brought you up right!

Maegen said...

wait, should i be ashamed of the fact that i like chalga? dern, i have better things to feel guilty for. i refuse to feel shame for liking chalga!