Monday, September 05, 2005

Bit by bit, real life begins

On Sept. 1 teachers across Bulgaria headed back to school for service days...As far as I can tell "service days" include a 5-mintue meeting at 8a.m. (or whenever the teachers and administrators decide to arrive) and then about 6 hours of drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and talking with eachother in the teacher's lounge, complete with an hour off for lunch. I don't smoke, but the coffee and the talking are fun (and quite a good workout for my Bulgarian skills.) We were supposed to clean the courtyard free of weeds Friday, but it rained and so there went that idea. Then today and tomorrow are holidays (today just because they want a holiday and tomorrow because it marks their independence from the Turkish Yoke in the 1800's). Shesti Septemvri (The Sixth of September) is one of the most important national holidays they have here, so I am looking forward to see what goes on.

As far as weather goes, I am finding that autmn is a real reward here. The air is clearer and cooler, the sun is oranger and people seem to be getting more active. I am told, however, that come winter life will stop in its tracks as Bulgarians hate the cold. But for now, everyone seems to be in better moods.

Friday night Jay, the old volunteer in Straldja, left for a few weeks in Switzerland and then he heads home from there. We had a "na gosti" (visit) Friday night for him and saw him off on his 11:30 p.m. train to Sofia. Now I am the only American in town, and I will have to answer for his absence for weeks to come I am sure (the babas are very curious...)

Yesterday I decided to take another trip to Burgas for two reasons: first, it was lovely and the train ride would not be such a miserable ordeal and second, I had to buy some books and one bookstore there has a pretty good selection of English-language novels. I bought Ivanhoe and Ethan Frome, which are decidely more classic novels than the ones I have been reading as of late. The sea was fantastic, and I could see clear to Nesebur (it is better from a distance...)

Today I met Eric from Elhovo in Sliven and we found a park with a really amazing (and brand new) swimming pool complex. Why we didn't find it two months ago when we were sweating to death and bored as crap I don't know. But at least we know about it for next summer!

I also got my schedule for this first semester. I will teach 5, 6, 7 and 9 grade. I have Wednesdays off so I can go pick up packages in Yambol (hint hint) and do grocery shopping. I also lucked through by finishing school at 11:30 Fridays so I can catch afternoon trains to weekend getaways. I was happy with that.

Other than that, I am simply looking forward to autmn. Real school starts Sept. 15, and who knows what will happen before then. I'll keep you posted.

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